On my way back from St. George last Sunday we stopped in Orem to Visit Callie at her Grandparent's house. The newest news is that she doesn't have the staph infection and she won't have to have her tonsils removed. The Strep throat is still very serious though and she still needs her adenoids taken out.
She is still the happiest little camper ever and if you saw her you wouldn't know that she is sick at all. The only time she has ever complained about it was once when she said her cheek hurt, probably from pressure in her sinus area(she didn't say the sinus part, but I wouldn't be surprised if she did...). They are to do surgery for her because she has been getting nose bleeds and they are going to see if that will subside before they do any work up there.
Here is a picture from my phone when we stopped by on Sunday. She had just barely woke up from a nap, what cheerful little bug! Please keep her in your prayers!