Saturday, March 14, 2009

Birthday Party

This morning we went to a brthday party for Deb's friend's 8 year old girl. Callie had a great time. All the other kids just accepted her as another one of the big kids and let play along with everything.
The pin'ata wasn't half as good as ours are(Go Emily!). It kept falling off the wire every 3rd hit or so.
We ran around the rest of the day going on errands and taking care of things. It was pretty fun, especially since the weather was cooperative!!


Jennis said...

you sure do seem to get to have and go to a lot of birthdays. Callie sure is getting big. Love ya!

mamaseversike said...

What a trooper. I love her hat! She is stylin'. (PS, her profile looks like you in that hat picture)