Sunday, December 27, 2009

6 months - she said...

So far, it truly has been the most amazing time and best growth experience of my life. Every time I think of how much I love you I get so overwhelmed that I can't control my emotions. I can't imagine my life without you and Callie; you have both been wonderful, happy, difficult, tremendous blessings in my life.

Thank you for bringing me into your life and into your heart. You are my best friend, my confidant, my example, the love of my life.

I love you forever.


mamaseversike said...

did you know that if you press the space bar at the end of a long comment that you lose it? I'll try again later.

My word is susneric.Sounds like a condition: "She's susneric."

Jennis said...

I was just putting dates on my new 2010 calendar and have you and Zach's anniversary on there and was just thinking of you guys remember the fun (even though my kids were puking intermittantly)we had at your wedding. I was also hoping you were happy. I'm glad to see this comment comfirm it. thanks for loving my brother, he waited a long time to find you. I love you both happy 6 month anniversary.

Debbie said...

Thanks, Jennis. It really was a lot of fun, in between the truly crazy stressful moments!