Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Callie is getting better... mostly

I know many of you have been quite worried about what's been happening. I'm sorry to say that our computer crashed - we got a Trojan, a worm, and several viruses, so we had to get it rebuilt; we finally got it back tonight! Yay!!

Now on to important matters:
Callie had her adenoidectomy on Thursday, January 28th. She also had tubes put in her ears at that time to minimize future ear infections, especially since she's had so many in her 3 short years of life. The surgery went well and Callie recovered quickly - we were headed home within 3 hours of checking in!

Long-term recovery, on the other hand, hasn't been as easy. Callie continues to have extreme difficulty sleeping because her ears hurt so much; lately her average is a total of about 5-7 hours of sleep a night (she can sleep for 10-12 when she's feeling well). This current sleep pattern makes life difficult and unfun for her and her grandmother who has been caring for her since New Year's Eve.

Her grandma says they had a little birthday party for her on Sunday night while her mom was there. When she's well enough to travel again, and the doctor feels she doesn't need to be so isolated anymore, her grandparents will bring her up to Cache Valley for a true family birthday party with Zach, me, her aunt, uncle, and cousins, as well as her grandparents and any other family that is able to come celebrate with her. We are hoping upon hope that we will be able to have that party this Saturday when her cousin, Madi, gets baptized. Perhaps if she gets to feeling better and can sleep for more than 7consecutive hours. If not, well...

Anyway, thank you all so very much for your thoughts and prayers. I KNOW they have helped her come this far in her battle to become healthy again. She has definitely been blessed because of the faith of those who love her.

We love you all and will keep you updated on her continued recovery.

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