Sunday, June 27, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

'nother quick one

Here's one of those western tanagers again, this time right outside the window. Do you think he's blushing because he knows I caught him spying on me?

A rainbow from the storm last week

...And another shot of it. Pretty cool, eh?

Friday, June 4, 2010

Just a quick one

 I thought this was some kind of goldfinch, but I literally did a Google search for, "small yellow bird with reddish head".

It told me it was called a Western Tanager. Cute huh? I saw it in the parking lot and had to take a picture!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Debbie Mom

We had a super-great Memorial Weekend! We had Callie over all weekend and it was lots of fun. She and I even got to spend some quality time together while Zach went on a hike Monday afternoon.

Callie has started to call me Debbie Mom or Mom Debbie, since that's how her maternal grandma refers to me. I really, really (I can't seem to type enough reallys!) love it when Callie calls me Mom, or even Debbie Mom. Aww!

That will probably be the closest I ever get in this lifetime to being called Mom, and I'll take every one of them and hold them in my heart. I love you, sweet Callie.