Friday, December 3, 2010

Deb's Birthday

For Debbie's Birthday on the 29th I got her something She has wanted for a l-o-o-o-o-ng time- a foodsaver. I got an amazing deal for it on Ebay awhile ago and it sat on the kitchen table for about a month all gift wrapped up waiting for the time to be opened. No amount of persuasion or begging would let it be opened early. No way man! So for her party on Monday she was completely surprised to get this.
Remember that big box full of green tomatoes I harvested from our garden back before halloween in a last ditch effort to salvage what I could from the freezing temps? Well, they ripened! We made homemade tomato soup from some (De-lish!), we dehydrated some, we have eaten some, and now we have "food-saved" the rest! There's nothing like having fresh tomatoes from your own garden in December! Maybe we will venture into ketchp-making next year.
It's amazing to watch the thing work. It's really like they say in the infomercials! You put the food in the bag, stick it in the machine, it sucks the air out and zips it shut! Presto! It even came with a special marinating bowl thing that you put the meat and the marinade sauce in. Somehow it's supposed to suck the juice into the meat and it only take a few minutes rather than hours in the fridge. we haven't tried that one yet but it will be fun to see if it works as well as the main machine.


mamaseversike said...

Oh, yippee for you!! I want one of those too!! We've looked and that's all we do! Guess we need someone to tell us 'go for it'. Then do you freeze your tomatoes or fridgerate or what? Are the replacement bags expensive? I will try not to be jealous or envious or covetous. My mom used to say if you wish the other person had an even better one you're not coveting. :)

Debbie said...

Well, mom, I wish you had an even better one. ;) We froze lotsa stuff, including pumpkin. I took it out of the freezer a couple days ago to make a couple more pies, and whala' no leaking bag as it thawed. LOVE it! And I really have wanted one for about 5 years. Thanks, sweetie, for making another wish come true.

joni said...

That thing is impressive! Callie sure is a lovely little girl.