Monday, December 22, 2008

what a trooper!

Yesterday Callie endured going to two churches with me. We went to my family ward first. It meets at 9 o'clock in the morning. This ward has a lot of kids in it that are her age, so I was relieved that she wasn't the only one being loud while the speaker was giving his talk. After that block, we dashed home as quick as we could, grabbed a fast bite to eat and hurried up to my old ward for choir practice before the next meeting. I unloaded all the kid paraphernalia into an empty pew and went up with the choir. She entertained herself quite well for that 1/2 hour before people started showing up. Right before the meeting got started I asked some friends if they wouldn't mind letting her sit with them while I was up with the choir and my quartet. They were happy to help out. This time she was the only kid in the audience so all of the noises were all hers(and there were plenty of them!). But they were cute noises, so I don't think most people minded too much. It was also fun to be up there and watch her down below waving her arm and pretending to lead the music from time to time.

The Christmas program went very well over all. The choir was good , our quaretet did extremely well, and the narrator read everything right. Best of all to me, perhaps, was that there wasn't a two year old running up and down the aisles raising havoc and screaming. I'm so appreciative of those who watched her. We went back home again after that and both took a nice long nap.

This weekend was a fun. Callie was still getting over being sick from before, so we didn't go outside and play in the snow at all, but that's ok. We colored, played and watched movies inside the whole time. I sliced up some apples and we put them on the dehydrator. Little did she know that these are going be treats in her stocking! It also made the house smell really good, so that's a bonus! It didn't even really seem claustrophobic being housebound for so long. We had fun!
here's a phone pic of her in her Christmas dress (it's really green) after the two meetings:

1 comment:

mamaseversike said...

What a sweet girl! I have a hard time doing two churches myself. (I'm still a one-session girl at the temple, but I'm hoping to be able to grow up and sit still better in the future.) What a trooper.