Sunday, November 22, 2009

7 years

Not in Tibet!
But that is how long I've waited for this plant to bloom. Here is an orchid that I started from just the tiniest little nub/growth from it's parent plant long, long ago. The parent one has since passed on, but this one has grown all up and taken it's place(finally).

The buds are a couple weeks away from opening still, but I'm so excited about it I couldn't help but share. I thought it was going to be this variety with the green petals and purple lip called burana jade, but upon closer inspection there are distinct differences in the coloring on the unopened buds so far compared to other pictures I've found of that cross. 
I guess it will be a surprise! I can't wait!

1 comment:

mamaseversike said...

My African violet is going nuts, which is nuts. My begonia tree that you sent me that sad leaf of is bizarre! I whack off huge chunks to knock it back and it LIKES it! My Christmas cactus is blooming, though dropping sections of leaves; any ideas? I'm thinking too little water, inconsistent water, or too dang dark. (I can only fit so many plants into my one western exposure window!!) But here's the real surprise- the broad, two-leafed orchid that has sat in my room at school for three years doing NOTHING now has a set of two more leaves coming from the middle of it. These guys must have a slow metabolism or something. We can mark things that move extra slowly in "orchid years." happy thanksgiving to you and Deb!