Friday, November 6, 2009

I'm free and clear!

After several months of waiting, and fixing and waiting, and dealing with issues and waiting, I"ve finally got everything taken care of with the Cadillac. I put the liscence plates on it this morning and now I can finally drive around with out worrying about anything.(I have had the temporary ones in the window, but it just wasn't the same) I've been doing everything by the book exactly the way they've wanted me to, jumped through every single little hoop, gotten every document, paid every fee, done every repair, every insurance thing- everything! All done! What a relief! Phew!

Now I think I can be ready for my next trial/affliction. Bring it on!

1 comment:

mamaseversike said...

And that only took how many months? Darn thing will be needing new tabs pretty soon! I love it when something finally resolves... you realize how much it's been sitting on the back shelf of your mind like a little bomb, just tickin', waiting to go off. Disabling it is such a relief.