Sunday, August 22, 2010

Long time no see!

Well, I'm back to blogging and here is a quick record of our activities from yesterday. We went to Stokes Nature center up in Logan canyon they have displays of all things natural. Lots of books, pictures, things to feel and touch, fossils, etc. They had some bird feeders outside so we got to see some hummingbirds up close and personal.

We tried on some horns...

We went for a nice little walk and saw a cool waterfall

It was kind of hot and since we had forgotten our snacks in the car, we came home, cranked up the A/C and took a nap. It was a very fun adventure!

1 comment:

mamaseversike said...

That looks like a fun adventure! I'm glad you take the time for those family times together. Thanks for keeping up with the blogging, I love visiting with ya'll. C'mon over and see mine! :)