Saturday, August 28, 2010

"Are you kidding me, Dad?"

Ok, I know that Callie is has a slightly worried,' "Why am I having my picture taken with a vegetable?" look' on her face in the exact instant that the shutter flashed, but it really was quite a funny situation as we made the zucchini into a face. You're just going to have to trust me that she really was being very cute about it!

These other two pictures I found on the internal memory of my camera that I had totally forgotten about. At least she doesn't look like she's worried about my sanity. She's not supposed to get to that phase until she's a teenager, right??

I have memories of blowing these things up to the size of Volkswagens and rolling down hills in them. Too bad we don't have any hills here that don't have either a big drop off or busy streets going by at the bottom, or both!

Mom, as I promised here are a some pictures of Multmonah Falls from our trip up there.

Deb was brave enough to reach out past the railing to get this view of the whole thing from the top. I kept my distance!

The Columbia River

In this one, Debbie didn't even know she was capturing a picture of us waving back at her as we were coming down from the hike!

 This was my first time trying to do a picture-in-picture inset thingy.  I think I could've made the expanded view a bit bigger  but it just would've made our square pixels larger, it wouldn't have added any more clarity to our faces; anyway, there we are! 

1 comment:

mamaseversike said...

Oooohhhh, Zach, those are GREAT!! We've never hiked as high up as you guys went, maybe next time!! I really like the one with the three of you in the cave opening. Callie climbed the whole way? What a trooper!!
And I like the Zeke zucchini picture, too. Her eyes are amazing. Thanks for sharing!