Thursday, November 18, 2010

One reason why they call me the plant doctor

This picture was taken in approximately December of last year. Shortly before this pic was taken the cactus was planted in a much larger pot. I planted it in this little plastic pot which was much more suitable to its size. Then awhile  later, in an unfortunate accident, the entire thing either fell, or someghow got damaged and it lost the farthest left branch and the branch that goes to the farthest right in this picture. The only part that was salvagable of the broken off pieces was one little tiny segment of one of the branches. That little segment got stuck in the soil along side it's 'mother' and the second picture is how it is doing today.


1 comment:

mamaseversike said...

One of my teaching partners just brought me her polka-dot plant to revive. It's currently drowning, so I'll pinch it back and let it dry out for starters. Give it a western exposure and a bit of nutrition and we'll see what happens. It fun to bring 'em back, isn't it! I love your new house!! So very cute! I hope you will be very happy there! The picture of Callie is also so very pretty. What beautiful eyes. AND you are very smart with that floorplan drawing stuff!! thanks for posting,I love the updates!!