Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cache Valley Hillbillies

Last night we felt like we needed a little adventure so we moved my greenhouse over to Deb's place. Since I spent most of my free time over there and we're growing our flowers for the wedding, it makes sense to have it where we can take care of them better.

We did it at night so there would be less traffic, fewer strange looks and stares.

The only thing we would have needed was a rocking chair up on top for granny and we would have fit the description for the redneck-of-the-week award. Looking back at it, we still might get the prize...

As I drove the rear dolly from the inside, I felt like I was a pioneer driving a covered wagon with those three hoops. Lucky for me, Deb is much cuter than a team of oxen!


mamaseversike said...

I would say, " But Henry, she's your Match!" (can you name that tune?) if she thinks pulling a greenhouse in the dark is her idea of a good time. And with a smile, no less. I'd say she's a keeper, what a good sport. :)

Zach said...

Deb LOVES Ever After, as well as any other Cinderella story! You know her well already.

Amanda Lee said...

Um, i think this might be the funniest thing I've ever seen! You guys crack me up!