Saturday, June 13, 2009

Hair day

Today Deb went to a friend's to get her hair done , kind of a pre-style thing before the wedding. She gave Callie a quick trim too, since it has never been cut.

While Debbie was having her turn, Callie and I went for a walkabout. We chased some ducks, went to the playground and had fun for a couple hours.

This last one is probably my favorite one of the day. It was very candid. I had to hold the camera out over the water, so I couldn't even see exactly where it was aimed. Then I called her name, pushed the button and it worked out!


mamaseversike said...

She is one cute little posie- Or, Callie-Lily, I guess. She is photogenic, at any rate. :)

rumblebug said...

Beautiful girl! Joel and I both thought she looks a little like Amanda in those pictures! :D