Thursday, August 20, 2009

Exercise, in spite of myself!

For a while, Zach and I have talked about using our Wii Fit and the accompanying workouts and virtual personal trainers to improve our health; and last week we concluded that this week was the start of our regular fitness workouts and training program. Unfortunately, I started a new medication on Monday that makes me incredibly tired, giving me the desire to sleep an exorbitant amount of time every day. (I hope I get used to it soon so I can resume a more normal sleep schedule.)

Today was no exception to my tiredness; after sleeping for six hours last night, I was only up for two hours this morning before going back to bed to sleep for another three! That was after riding my bike with Zach to his school, to the store, then home again. That felt like enough exercise for me...but NO!

When Zach came home from school, we went to our garden and collected several cobs of corn, one banana pepper, three onions, and a plethora of cherry tomatoes (YUM!!). After that, he used the Wii Fit while I began recreating and updating my PAF files; my niece has a school assignment and needs information about her ancestors, and since I am my family's historian, my mom called me for details my niece could use in her report.

Anyway, when I was done with PAF for today, I went out to the living room and saw that my sweet husband had completed his workout and then pulled up my profile so I could work out as well, in spite of my opposition and tiredness. Due to technical difficulties, I was only able to complete about 20 minutes of workout, for which my sweetie congratulated me.

I love that Zach knows my personal goals and my struggle with weight loss. I love that he supports me in those goals even when I don't want to support myself. I love that he is so willing to help me have the motivation I lack on my own. And I especially love that he wants me to be the best I can be, for me, for us, and for Callie.

I know this post isn't a must read, but I wanted to share.


rumblebug said...

Well, there's yet another quality Zach and Joel share as brothers, their amazing ability to support without being pushy! Kudos to you for working out, just motivating yourself to DO IT is a hugre step, you can work on duration later! Keep going and you will feel the results!

mamaseversike said...

I am so impressed with all the people I know who are working hard to get more fit, and succeeding! You all rock!! go-go-go-go-GO!!

Jennis said...

don't burn yourself out by doing too much. this has to be a lifestyle change. so keep plugging away, good work on all the work.