Sunday, August 23, 2009

What a good sport I am!

The beach at the reservoir we went to with the Hansens was slipperiest, slimiest, ickiest clay I've ever seen. But it's great for your complexion if you ever want a mud bath from Madi's Salon and Day Spa...
Her highly specialized formula is SPF 150, contains completely natural ingredients, and is 100% environmentally friendly/ recyclable. Her exotic resort location offers expansive beach access with warm sun, blue skies and excellent service with a personal touch! Book now, her schedule is filling up fast!

There are many more pictures from this trip to upload, so keep checking back!


Debbie said...

I like Emma's comment: "You look like a dirty Incredible Hulk!"
You are a very good sport and a great writer. It was a terrific weekend, and I look forward to spending a lot more weekends with them.

Jennis said...

I would believe that spa highlight. now I have to ask is ANY of that true?

Zach said...

Yes, it's all true! the mud is spf 150 or more because it doesn't let any sunlight through. the mud comes from the beach and when it gets rinsed off it goes straight back to where it came from. the beach is quite spacious because the water level is so low. the temps were in the nineties, so it was plenty warm and the sky was mostly blue!!