Thursday, August 28, 2008

Daddy/Daughter date

I'm not feeling too blog-a-licious today but I do have some fun stuff to share so I guess I'll do it anyway...

I had the day off on Tuesday, so I got to have some time with Callie! I picked her up Monday night and we spent all day Tuesday out on the town having fun. Our first stop was the little park by my house. Callie played on the slides for awhile and I only got one halfway decent picture of that.

We caught the bus over to Macey's and had lunch there.

I could tell that Callie was tired as we were walking back to the bus stop because as I was carrying her on my shoulders, she kind of flopped over on my head!

When we got home and I was putting her in her crib for a nap, boy she was wide awake then!
she finally went down and slept until 6:30 pm!

My internet connection is pretty nonexistent tonight so I'll have to upload the pictures later, Sorry!
Edit: I got the pictures up tonight, 8-28-08, so this will count as a post for tonight!

1 comment:

Kirk and Jill Smith - said...

Hey there Zach! Glad you found our blog and left us a note. Looks like you're doing well. Callie is sure a cutie!!! Hope you're doing well.