Sunday, August 3, 2008

My latest adventure in domestication revolves around my job actually. Tim, one of the guys I work with, got married a couple months ago. One of their gifts was a food dehydrator and he is actually more prone to using it than his wife. He has made several different flavors of beek jerky and brought some to work for the rest of us to try. It was S-O-O-O-O good! Then figured if Tim could do it, so could I! So when I saw one at the DI on Friday for $5.00 I couldn't resist.

This morning I pureed some raspberries, threw in some applesauce and then rhubarb for a little different taste. I put it in the dehydrator before church and when I got home it was ready! It was so good I had to make more ; except this time I blended in some tropical fruit chunks like pineapple, guava, mango and passion fruit. I'm excited for this next batch- it should be ready in another hour or so.

This might seem like a lot of work and rime for a little snack, but it's really satisfying to think about the fact that this is real food and it's made from my own hands, from my garden(except for the tropical fruit) it gives me alot of satisfaction and confidence knowing that it is not full of preservatives and all that other stuff that comes in store bought food.

I miht have to work up to doing jerky, that takes a little more prep than throwing some fruit in the blender.

1 comment:

rumblebug said...

Hey Zach! I am so excited to hear your success with the food dehydrator! I'll give ya a bit of information that I just learned on Sunday night - dehydrated watermelon is NOT that great!! We tried it at our friends house and it was definitely a wierd (in a not good way) taste! :) I want to get one so I can try all sorts of different stuff like you! Keep us posted on all your yummy treats!