Monday, September 29, 2008

And of course I had to take plenty of pictures of Callie while I was at the wedding.

I had to! ! !

Callie, meet Kali!

...that's close enough!!!!

all wedding-ed out!


mamaseversike said...

I didn't know Aaron had a Kali! How awesome is that?! I think that is so amazing. It's a rare and beautiful thing to have connections like you to bone-heads, I mean, cousins, have. Your blog is amazing, Zach. I guess that's because YOU are amazing, Zach. I am so proud of your upbeat, optimistic, hopeful, faithful attitude. You inspire me. Love, mama

mamaseversike said...

Oops, I mean, "you TWO cousins" have. :)

Nettie said...

That is cool that you took some pictures of you and Aaron and the wedding. I was just asking Josh about Aaron and all of his cousins and how everyone is doing. We would have liked to have gone to the wedding. I have a brother that lives in Pleasant Grove not far from Uncle Wayne, but we were just not able to swing it. I love seeing your blog and getting to know you besides what Joshua has said. You do have a way with writing to I have to say. Thank you for all the detail. I enjoyed that and picturing it in my mind. Absolutely amazing!