Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The way the light was coming through my window and making my plants' leaves glow was really pretty. This purple one is fascinating in the way the leaves kind of change color based on the direction you look at it. It's called a Rhoeo, oyster plant, Moses in a boat, mostly for the shape of the flowers. This has never flowered and I'm having a hard time finding pictures of it on the internet to show you what the flowers look like.

A few years ago when I was at the school greenhouse, I found a small piece of a stem in the garbage can. I took the segment home, not knowing what it was and it grew into this! This is a leaf from my rubber tree,another one of my first rescues. I found it in a dumpster in my old apartment in Salt Lake with no pot, no soil around the roots, and no leaves on it whatsoever. But I potted up the bare sticks and they grew into a lovely little tree! This one has traveled with me in my moves between Washington and Utah several times. That bright green color is great, eh?

This wandering jew was started from a piece I found on the floor at Lowe's. If you look closely you can see the crystaline texture through out the leaves.

Called the "Heart Leaf" Philodendron(for obvious resons), this photo was inspired by my totally awesome friend Laura. I "heart" it!


rumblebug said...

Your plant skills blow me away! I just moved your bonsai tree inside because I didn't want it to freeze - was that the right thing to do or should it stay outside? Let me know! Your plants are beautiful - I like th story of your rubber tree plant best!

Amanda Lee said...

Your plants are so pretty! I think instead of having just one green thumb youre the jolly green giant, you're all green!

mamaseversike said...

Amanda's comment made me giggle. You can't imagine the joy it is as a mother to look at all these posts on all your websites, and think, "These amazing people are mine!" Zach, your gifts are amazing; your eye for beauty, your patience, your ability to turn something without visible value into something wonderful, your vision, your optimism, your sense of humor, your valiant spirit. I "heart" you very much. mama