Monday, January 19, 2009

Insert interesting title here

I continue to gain respect for those who have raised children. one reason I have not posted too many pictures of Callie lately is because I spend every second chasing after her and monitoring her to make sure she's not spilling, dropping or breaking anything; dumping something out, pulling something over on top of herself, or just wreaking havok in general. I realize I can't really complain to anyone because most of you have all been there/done that and this is just part of the game.

But amidst all the choas there are the little gems that make it all worthwhile. For instance in church yesterday; In between crawling under all the pews and trying to gain access to the aisles, she was standing on Brother Willardson's lap playing pattycake with his shiny, 'Mr. Clean' head. Callie was fascinated and Tim was loving it too! Then she leaned forward over him and slapped the bald head of the brother behind them who was leaned forward, resting his head on the back of our pew. It was like the cymbal crash at the the end of a drum roll thing- "Ba- doomp - -TSSSSS!!!!" The guy immediately sat up straight and stayed that way the rest of the meeting. . .

I guess that's what he gets for not listening to the speaker! We were sitting near the front so the whole congregation was quite entertained yesterday! When the home teachers came over later, they confirmed that she was the highlight of Sacrament Meeting. I 'm sure if I should be proud that she was so disruptive or not though.

Tim taught me a valuable lesson that day too. He said that if you want your kids to behave in church, give them freedom. Let them think its fun to be in there with you. Then if they do become tooo wild and carzy and you have to take them out into the hallway or foyer or something, don't give them any freedom, make them know that it is much better to be in there and not sitting nicely than to be dragged out into the hall and not have any freedom whatsoever. I'm not condoning beating your children or anything just make sure that theay know the difference between when they are good and not so good.

Anyway, right before we had to leave to take her back today, I was able to get a few good pictures out in the back yard. The snow was really crusty so a snowman was out of the question, but we ran around a little...


mamaseversike said...

Oh, too funny. You made me laugh out loud. You probably don't remember me telling you guys, "Don't make me take you out!" Because I couldn't leave anybody there, all five of you had to file out with your arms folded even if just one needed to go out. It was embarrassing, to say the least. You definitely all wanted to stay in the meeting rather than incur my wrath. Oh, those were the days!

mamaseversike said...

PS. Glad to hear you're clean-shaven again. All the better to job-hunt, my dear.

mamaseversike said...

HI Zach! Thanks to you, too! Like you,I also check to see if anyone's commented on an entry. A blog is kind of some work, and you like to know that at least your family is reading it and knowing what you're up to, what you're thinking. I love the blogs you post, they really are awesome. Keep up the good work, I'm here.

Jennis said...

your Frank Sinatra Music makes me think of Frasier. I too laughed out loud at Callie's church stunts. That's classic. write that stuff down in pen somewhere or print these out. you are going to want that story later. DO IT.. no..right now...go go .....go!!!! Your story telling is great by the way. love ya :)

Dottie! said...

Hey Zach! Thanks for the comment. The game was a blast. I'm pretty sure they're going to keep playing it for many movie nights to come. Sorry that you haven't been able to make it to the showings. Our friend Davin and his wife have a little girl. Sometimes if they both are able to make it she comes along. So you can bring Callie if you want! Maybe if we have it on a weekend and you can bring her I'll ask Davin to bring his daughter too!