Monday, January 5, 2009


I hang my head in shame for having not gone to FHE in a long time until tonight. I'm glad I went though. After the lesson, the activity was just board games in the cultural hall.I didn't know that that was the activity until that very moment so I wasn't prepared. I promptly went back home and got my game box and my Pente board. I love that game! By the time I got back, everyone had settled at their tables and were immersed in their games so I had to wait until a table was done with their game to introduce mine to them. Luckily, no one had picked the Monopoly box that was an option... Anyway about 15 minutes before time to clean up a table finally opened and I brought over Pente.

One of my favorite things about the game is that is is so easy to teach and get started. After about 30 seconds of instruction, our table was up and going and enjoying themselves. Even with my past experience and expertise, I was not the first one to gain an advantage over everyone else. (We were playing with 4 players.) Ultimately I did win though. It was a good game to play because we wouldn't have had time to play any other full board game in the time we had left. The guys had fun learning a new game and I got to play Pente for the first time in over two years! Yay!

1 comment:

Jennis said...

oh pente makes me think of Grandpa Huston he was the first one I ever played with that I can recall. i could be wrong but that is the way I remember it. Maybe he was just playing patiently with me teaching me stratagies. one of my fond memories of that good man. :)