Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A couple pictures

Here are a few pictures from my visit with Callie tonight. She was so excited to try out her new cold weather gear! The coat is a little big for her now, but we're hoping it might last two years.

I just like this one

Callie looks great in this one. Me- not quite ready yet...

1 comment:

mamaseversike said...

I really like your valley hiking pictures, those are very pretty. The two mountains are pretty impressive even in their picture form. Looks cold, though. I can see why Callie needs some cold weather gear, those Logan winters are brutal. I have no guesses as to how your green house stayed in one piece. He was probably saying, "Whoa, I don't think this is Kansas anymore!" Hope all is well there, I feel like we're all settling in for some cozy time indoors here. The mornings are crisp, (frost on rooftops) the days are beautiful, the full moon has been incredible, and the kayaks are up for the winter. 'sigh'. I love you all bunches. mom