Thursday, October 22, 2009

I'm just mad about...Crocus!

Doesn't sound quite right, does it??

 It is highly doubtful of course that that song by Donovan back in the 60's was actually about the real spice Saffron. The  meanings about that "mellow" song I found while doing a quick google search revealed some less-than-reputable activities akin to a 60's lifestyle that aren't going to be mentioned here.

Crocuses(Croci?) do however, have a lot to do with the world's most valuable spice, beleive it or not. They have everything to do with it. It is harvested from the stigma of a fall-flowering version of the spring bringer and I have some! Yay!

 A Lady at school asked me why her Crocus sativus(saffron crocus) weren't coming up yet. I told her that I would look at them, but my fee was that I got to have one of the bulbs. Today she brought me one of those two gallon Ice cream buckets full of dirt with one little nub poking out of the hard pan soil. I think part of the problem is that a lot of the plants here are just barely beginning to realize its actually Fall, and another part is that even the loughest of bulbs have a hard time pushing through concrete! well, I told her that she oughtta get some peat moss to put in her other bucket of bulbs while I take this batch under my wing. Between her, another guy, and I we will get a good harvest of saffron threads in a few weeks or so!  And by next year when these bulbs mutliply, I'll be able to share those with others!

Alright, I'm way tired but I just wanted to share about my acquisition of this interesting flower.Maybe it will inspire you guys to actually BLOG about something in your lives!


Amanda Lee said...

Hey I updated mine so go read it! I just noticed that yesterday my ticker said my sixth anniversary was in 3 mo 3 weeks and 3 days and yesterday your ticker said you've been married 3 mo 3 weeks and 3 days! Crazy huh?
ps, my word is dweidne!

mamaseversike said...

Hey-I updated mine, too, so relax, Max! (The Electric Slide, Zach? You trying to get up a line dance? I know this one!) :)
My word is logranea, sounds like another kind of crocus

joni said...

Do you have a good recipe for saffron? I have never tasted it but have wanted to try it. I've been waiting for the perfect recipe to invest in.