Sunday, April 18, 2010

A multitude of conglomerations

First here's a random picture I took of the clouds a few days ago. Prettty cool, eh?!  I love this camera!
Ok, here's  the first bit of news from our neck of the woods.
                                                            *We are moving into a new place!*
 Our new abode will be in a nicer area of town, it will have much more space, newer building, closer to stores, bus routes, etc. It is a 3 bedroom townhouse and is going to have brand new carpet, paint, fixtures, etc. (The last tenants got evicted for trashing the place so they are re-doing everything.)  We have our own garage! There is a tennis court right across the street and a little playground just up the street too. We wont have any downstairs neighbors and we will only have one side neighbor because we are on  the end unit. Actually there isn't even anyone in the next door unit yet, so we can party all we want and not worry! Woo hoo!

       One of the coolest things is that the owner of the company that Deb works for is a part owner of the company that manages this property so we get a 20% discount on the rent! We will be all moved in by this Saturday. I will email our address to you all individually instead of publicly here on the interwebs just for security reasons, I hope you'll understand.

Two weeks ago we got to have Callie spend the whole week here with us because I was off for spring break. While she was here I took her and the Hansen girls to the "Baby animal days" thing down at the Pioneer farm. I only got to take a few pictures because I was busy trying to wrangle three lively girls and all their gear. We had a very fun time though. Here is one cute one of all three of them together as we were riding the little train around. 

*at the baby bear exhibit:

Here's Callie banging on the bongoes: I'm not exactly sure how bongo drums fit into a pioneer themed park, but they were fun nonetheless.
To the untrained eye this may like your average ordinary shrub. But to someone who has had over 10 years of Bonsai studying and training, it looks completely different. I got permission from the groundskeeper at school to dig up this burning bush from their hedge because it was half dead-looking and had taken quite a beating from the snow blowers and things over the years. I got it about a month ago and I promtly trimmed it  into a more pleasing bonsai shape. This is what it looks like now:
It has a lot of years of training to look forward to, but this is the basic outline I will start with. Here is a link to one done by bonsai master Walter Pall:   click here
I can't think of much else to write about at the moment, so I will sign off for now.


Amanda Lee said...

I'm really excited for your new place!! Congrats. Sounds like things are going really good for you guys. Callie is so big and pretty, I feel like it's been years since I've seen you guys. I hope somehow we get to hook up this summer. Your camera rocks!!! That picture of the clouds is awesome, Keep up the posts cuz i'll be checking in LOTS!!! Love you guys! Can't wait to see more pics from your crazy amazing camera!

mamaseversike said...

I like to think I have a pretty good imagination, but you've got more bonsai faith than me, cause that looks like a pretty dead mass of sticks to me!

ps my word is conaira, wasn't that a bad nicolas cage movie?