Friday, November 21, 2008


What a crazy week this has been! Last thuursday I picked up that car, i worked on it all weekend until Tuesday when we decided it wasn't worth fixing. we talked to the Dealer about it and convinced them to take the car back and give me a full refund.(that never happens!) So when I went to the dealership there was a a little hassle with getting a check back because it hadn;t processed into their account yet. They told me to wait until Thursday to be sure it had gone into their account, then they could give me the refund. When I went in yesterday to bring the paperwork back, the sales manager gave me the cvheck and also told me to keep the keys and title to the car! HE WAS GIVING ME THE CAR FOR FREE, NO STRINGS ATTATCHED! I guess he realized that it would be even more hassle for them to try to resell it again in the condition it was in. He said Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas and enjoy the car. He said I could do whatever I want with it.

When I got home I was chatting with my awesome landlords in the drive way and gave them the Readers Digest version of the Taurus story. They asked what I was going to do with it and I said,

"Now that it is a free car, it might be worth putting a little more money into it to make it run really well."

They said, "OK. Well, keep us updated on what you do!" They proceeded to go into their house and I went to mine.

Later that night there was a knock at my door and it was Tim and Janet again. They seemed kind of excited and came to give me news that they had been informed that an anonymous donor who knew of my vehicle situation is giving me a CADILLAC! They said it's in really good shape and the anonymous person(I know who it is) is taking care of all the registration and liscencing and all that too. I don't know what kind it is(does it matter?) or what year it is, but they said it should be really reliable for me for several years at least.

Mom I know your reaction is going to be, 'Oh Zach that's going to be expensive to drive!' I understand that, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. Especially if it's a thoroughbred. This might also be my escape from the junk car syndrome I've been stuck in. We'll see how it goes.

So I'm going to put spark plugs in the Taurus and sell it for a couple hundred bucks just to cover the money I put into it.


rumblebug said...

Zach - you never cease to amaze me. I know some people with some great stories but lately your's are taking the cake! Yay for blessings pouring forth upon you. Jenna

Dottie! said...

Yeah Zach! That's sooooo good to hear! I'm very happy for you to have received such a blessing!

mamaseversike said...

Hey! I didn't say that!! I said, "Whoa! Way cool!" (Just for the record!!!!) I actually have had to let go and let God where you are concerned for a looong time. I have learned that Heavenly Father keeps a pretty tight eye on you. Whew. Love you, mama