Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Progress in this neck of the desert

Several great things have come to pass in the last few days down here in Logan. But since I don't have a gigantic block of time to adequately describe them with all the minuscule details that I usually like to, you'll have to suffer through a checklist type of thing for now. If you want details about a particular event, please write to me and I can elaborate it for you later.

Last weekend:
I had Callie and we had a great time. We didn't didn't have any big and fancy outings, just stayed home this time.She's getting so big and indepenent, it's hard to keep up!

Sunday night:
Deb and I went to a fireside with John H. Groberg and Elder Charrington(sp?). Elder Groberg is the author of The Other Side of Heaven and a former member of the Quorum of the Seventy. Elder Charrington was just called to be a Seventy in ths last Conference. I went up and met them both afterward. This was my second time hearing from John H. Groberg. the first time was inthe Salt Lake Tabernacle right after the Other Side of Heaven movie came out.

I got a call from Ryan Powell, one of the four owners of the Sprinkler Store from last year. He called to invite me back to work for this season but couldn't give me a specific date to start as of yet. There are some details involving the transfer of ownership of the company that needed to be worked out first. Those kinks should be fixed throughout this current week and he said he would call me back next Monday about it.
I got a call from Sue Boswell, my counselor from Voc. Rehab. She called to tell me she got a call from a Kevin Smith who wanted to work through them to get training for me to draw sprinkler plans for him this season. It was an interesting call because I had to explain to her that I really didn't need training to draw sprinkler plans. Also, the name Kevin sounded familiar and I wanted to know what company he was from. She didn't know, but she gave me his number so I could call him and ask any questions.
I talked to Kevin and told him I was fairly proficient at drawing plans as I had done it all last year. Then he mentioned how he needed to talk to Ryan about it anyway and it all clicked! Kevin was one of the owners of the store that I was already planning on coming back to anyway. I had only met him once last year and apparently he didn't remember me very much either. I explained to him that the only training I might need is just a little refreshing from Nick, the manager and that there was no need for Voc. Rehab to get involved.
{Did you notice that between the owners of the store that the right hand didn't know what the left one was doing? This was the kind of confusion and miscommunication that we (the peons) had to deal with last year, which is the cause for the current transfer of ownership from four owners to no more than two now.}
I called Sue back to explain that Kevin didn't know what was going on and that I had worked for them before. I told her that I had talked to Ryan the day before and I was already planning on going back pending the desicion from him.
I am doing more financial aid stuff for school. It never ends! Later I am Going with Debbie to her bank to find out why there is this unending chain of fees that keep getting charged from her account for no reason. She's got plenty of money in there but they keep taking out signifigant chunks of it!!! We need that money!

I'm going to do a couple temp jobs in the morning and then we are packing to go to Pheonix, AZ Friday morning. We are Taking Deb's other car to her mom who needs it. Her car was totalled in a wreck a month ago and she's going to take over payments on the Lexus rather than getting a new car. This whole car swap has been kind of a complicated ordeal between creditors on the Lexus, gettingthe Taurus fixed for Deb, transferring the title to her mom and for preparing to take it down to her, but soon it will all be done and everyone will be happy and we'll all have transportation! Yay!

We are leaving at 6:30 AM, taking both cars down to Salt Lake. We will leave my Caddy at Aunt Leslie's house for the weekend and drive the lexus to Pheonix. we are planning to make a quick pass by Lake Powell and then the Grand Canyon on our way down, so be prepared for some amazing pictures when we return!

The Weekend:
We will spend time down there taking care of liscencing and everything for her mom. I get to get grilled by Deb's Family the whole time and then we will fly home Monday afternoon. Aunt Leslie will come pick us up from the airport in my car and then we will come home from there.

Does that sound crazy enough?

This post wasn't quite as brief as I was hoping it would be, but that's alright.

1 comment:

rumblebug said...

Now that's what I call keeping busy! I'm so glad to hear of all the good things happening in your neck of the woods. We look forward to seeing you again hopefully sooner than later. We miss you and excited to meet Deb (and hopefully one day Callie too!)