Thursday, April 16, 2009

That's DEFINITELY worth blogging about!

Remember that list of dead cars I made awhile back? Well, I'm proud to announce that I can cross one of those cars off the list. The Taurus that I had so much trouble with last Fall has been sitting all winter waiting for something to happen. I've had a couple opportunities to get rid of it, but they fell through. A young couple almost got it to fix up for their own, but then changed their mind. Then my friend talked about getting it for himself and his other buddy to go bombing around in, but they lost interest as well. Now we'll fast forward to the present day. Deb needed a car and I happened to have one that needed a home. We put a new battery in it and it started right up. We got it registered today and it's going to be a perfect 'round-towner for her.

Another reason that this is such an accomplishment for me is that it is a big type of project that I completed nearly all on my own from start to finish. Usually withmy past automotive issues I've had to defer to other people to handle the problems. It makes me feel good to know I got it all done myself! I guess I just needed the right inspiration to finally get it finished up finally! Woo hoo!


rumblebug said...

Congratulations Zach!! And who better a recipient of all that hard work?!

mamaseversike said...

Hurray! I relish the moments when things work out just right!!Here's to many miles of trouble free "bombin' around". :)