Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Pull out the stopper, lets have a whopper!

Ok everybody, I promise you'll all get individual official announcements in the near future but I'm sending out this blanket statement now in order give you as much notice as possible for you to make plans if you can make it down here this Summer. Debbie and I are getting married on June 27th.

She really is a winner and I would like as many of you to come as realistically possible. We are looking forward to having a traditional ceremony and reception here in Logan on that day so as many of her family members will be able to participate. I know it's not a huge amount of time to plan, but please let me know if you can find a way to make it down here. I'd appreciate it. Hope to hear from you soon and we can make arrangements for you.


mamaseversike said...

Dad and I had already planned a trip to Wisconsin, but we're going to figure out a way to be there, if we have to make it a stop on our way home we'll do it that way. We planned on coming this summer anyway. What an awesome reason! So count on we two. Love you, can't wait!

melroy family blog said...

Zach, It is good thing I check your blog once and a while so we are not the last to know !
Wow I hope we can be there, but I have not told your Dad yet. I was planning to go to Utah this summer with my Mom to visit my brother, you, and Jillena, Aaron, grandson.
Have you checked your email lately?
Our address may be changing soon!

Jennis said...

So it looks like I am the last to know. I ran into uncle cliff at safeway tonight and he told me all about it. Congratulations.