Thursday, July 9, 2009

Food! Glorious food!

While Deb was out pitting a "chair of Bowlies" on the steps, I went out to the garden to grab these loverly things. It's amazing how fast they grow! That is an 18 inch ruler, by the way. We didn't get the garden planted until the middle of May!!

In fact, this before pic was taken on May 8 when I had just began to redefine and refurbish the plot. We didn't actually plant until later than that because of weather and I started school and stuff.

This is July 9th... Our zuchini plants are waist-high, our tallest corn is head high and has the flowers starting to come out. One stalk has three ears starting on it already. There are tomatoes in there somewhere that are just out of control too. we've got a few pepper plants mingled in between that are doing great, and onions galore! I found those three Zukes lurking, with even more on the way! We decided we are going to let this guy grow to see how big it will get though.We'll keep you updated on it's progress!


Jennis said...

nice garden Zach, I am so impressed, and am coming to your house for fresh veggies, when the world goes to pot...:)

Amanda Lee said...

I wasn't brave enough to try corn, but I'm not close enough to enjoy our garden any way! Good job you green thumb, can't wait to hear how it all tasted!

mamaseversike said...

Hooray! It's so satisfying to actually pick something you grew!Plus is feels good to "follow the prophet, he knows the way!" and he said to try to grow something, even one tomatoe on your back porch, or something like that. :)