Imagine yourself wanting to have a kiwifruit. You don't want to have an extravagant kiwifruit or a super exotic kiwifruit, just a nice simple tasty kiwifruit that will satisfy your wanting for a kiwifruit. Most everyone else has their own kiwifruits and theirs seem to be good kiwi's for them. You know people who have kiwifruits for sale and you get one from them. You love your new kiwi and you take extra special care of it in order to enjoy it fully. Then out of the blue someone comes and destroys your precious little treat! Ahhh! You are sad, but the person compensates you for your lost kiwi so you can get another one. You find another one for a good price and you have high hopes that this kiwifruit will be the kiwifruit for you. Nope, this kiwi seems to not be for you either, it dies a horrible death for reasons beyond your control. Something was wrong with the insides of this kiwi. So you get another kiwifruit. It dies too! For some unexplainable reason, you can't seem to keep your kiwifruit like everyone else can, but you don't give up hope! You keep searching for that one kiwi that will will be able to have and keep and it will give you the same satisfying feeling that other peoples' kiwifruits give them. You don't know why every kiwi you get seems to either get destroyed by someone else, die on it's own , or turn out to be a lemon disguised as a kiwifruit. the lemon /kiwi's seem to be the worst ones because you don't even know that it is a lemon inside until after you've bought the so-called kiwi, invested in to it and bitten into it that you find out that it is really a lemon inside. And it's not a good lemon either! It's an
extremely sour lemon that is full of seeds and rotten spots and there's just no way to make lemonade out of it. You must throw away the lemon. Every time you get a new kiwifruit, you have high hopes that this will be your kiwi, but the cycle of bad kiwifruits can't be stopped! you've been through over a dozen kiwis this way and you wonder to yourself, "How can I stop this cycle of bad kiwi?"
In case you haven't figured it out yet, the kiwi in the story is a reference to my ability to go through vehicles like kleenex. My latest kill is the Taurus I blogged about only a few days ago!
After spending several days worth of labor and more money than I should have, we confirmed That this car is not worth putting anymore effort into. We called the dealer and they were gracious enough to accept that they sold me a lemon disguised as a kiwifruit. They are going to refund my money and then they'll probably haul it to the junk yard for giving them such a hassle.
Mom, you were right- This car was a twin to the other one, they both have their end in the junk yard.
In fact this car helped me break my old record of the number of days of owning a car before it's demise. The old record was five days + a few hours and this car wass five days
minus a few hours! It's not a record I strive to beat, but that's what happens when you are me...
/ ~~~Here lies~~~ \
Another '87 Ford Taurus
May it Rest In Pieces...